What is PastryWeight?

/ 26.1.12 /
What is PastryWeight?

As cyclists, we're gifted with many things that most normal humans are deprived of: perfectly toned legs, rock hard glutes... the ability to wear garishly colored, skin tight, clothing. Cyclists are also better than normal humans in the fact that they are exempt from the FDA's recommendation of a 2000 calories per day dietary intake.

You see, it's simple math... Food = Watts

Based on this tried and true equation, the founder of this blog has come up with the hypothesis that the fattier the food (IE: cupcakes, cookies, baklava) the crazier the watts. These crazy watts are stored by the body, much like a supercharged battery pack, located around the mid section... and this my friends is what I call PastryWeight.


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